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Change of plans? (coronavirus)

To say we are depressed is an understatement !! We are due to leave Australia on April 2nd for ten weeks in France. Flights, car lease, and gites are all booked and paid for. Travel insurance does not cover cancellation for this situation and I very much doubt we will get any refunds if we cancel. We are playing the waiting game and will make a decision closer to the time.

I am not so concerned about catching it in France at this stage. We do not go to cities or even large towns. We do not go to tourist attractions that get hundreds of visitors each day. We do not use public transport. We have very little, if any, actual physical contact where we touch other people. The busiest place we go is the supermarket. We practise good hand hygiene, take all precautions, even to having soap and water in the car to wash hands regularly. In fact we are probably have more chance of getting the flu. My concern is the long flight - we spend 21+ hours on planes and transit through Singapore. We planned to take hand sanitiser and disinfectant wipes on the plane to wipe down surfaces, and Changi, which is always clean, has increased the cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces.

We still have a month, so will wait and see. At the moment I am in the denial and angry stages!!
Am in the same as you planning on going paris for 1 week than south france
1 week april 18 to may 5 from toronto
Well, I cancelled two out of my 4 trips. Saving large deposits by making my decision now. I will re book at the last minute if/when I feel more comfortable about going. I am off in March to Florida for a couple of weeks.
Enjoy your trip to Florida be safe
If we cancelled we are out our points from embarc and our flights and two night in a hotel we have insurance but air transit said that they have not cancelled flights and we miss window cancelled our club
I'm considering canceling our hotel reservation for three nights in Positano. Expensive hotel, and we have prepaid one night. I just looked at the contract, and it says we will not be charged if we cancel outside 59 days. The contract also says, we will be charged for the entire stay once we get inside the 59 days. We are talking about $2,100 that we lose, so I'm considering not taking the chance and canceling. What a mess. No worries for our accommodation in Tuscany, as we know the owner very well, and he knows we will return as soon as everything is clear. I think I will write to the hotel and see what they say under these circumstances.

The hotel in Positano replied to my email, and said because of the circumstances, they would change their cancellation policy to 30 days. Very helpful, and I hope things will be better by then, but hard to tell at this point. Our trip begins on May 19th.
Sharon, so happy that the hotel is giving you a little more breathing room. Unfortunately, with all that is going on and everything changing so rapidly, we are all (travellers and travel providers) going to have to be a little more flexible. We aren't scheduled to leave on our trip until May 27, so we have more time than you to assess the situation and make our decisions accordingly. I feel for those who have trips coming up soon.
Sharon, so happy that the hotel is giving you a little more breathing room. Unfortunately, with all that is going on and everything changing so rapidly, we are all (travellers and travel providers) going to have to be a little more flexible. We aren't scheduled to leave on our trip until May 27, so we have more time than you to assess the situation and make our decisions accordingly. I feel for those who have trips coming up soon.
We leave on the 19th of May, so a little breathing room. I think a lot of places would rather take this hotels approach, than have everyone canceling ASAP.
Here is a response from a friend who lives in Milan from last week.

We are coping well, I would say.

We are 10 millions inhabitants in Lombardy and almost everybody is perfectly fine. I live in the city, there are a few cases in the hospital but they are taken care of.

Today I saw a lot of people out. After Monday and Tuesday people started to go out as usual.

I went to the restaurant today with my mom and there was the usual crowd.

Some special measures were taken, schools have been closed all week. Same for libraries, gyms and other places which are usually crowded.

The President of Lombardy asked the Government to keep the same special measures for next week too. We'll see what the decisions are.

Lots of people are complaining that the measures they took are excessive and are destroying our economy. Hotels are empty, tourists cancelled.

All this fuss is bad for our reputation. We'll see in the future what happens. The virus is spreading all over the world and other countries may soon face a similar or even worse situation.

I enjoyed to be home for a week. I work in a public school so I am paid anyway.

People are starting to react and they want to start again working as much as ever.
Here is a response from a friend who lives in Milan from last week.

Thanks for posting this, interesting to hear a local perspective.

Contrary to what he says, I think that the fuss is not damaging to a region's reputation. It seems that the main reason for what might be deemed panic at gov't level, is that some health systems (including Italy's apparently), don't have the ability to take on a potentially huge number of infected patients, if the outbreak is not contained. Especially when there is no known treatment. That's the situation in Israel as well. Hospitals are regularly under-staffed and with a below-optimal amount of beds.
The Italians are also testing a relatively large number of people - for free - and they should be commended for that. This will increase the detection rate, and might even be one of the reasons that there are higher numbers of infected people in Italy.

Better safe than sorry, especially when there are too many unknowns, and when the lives of the elderly and weak are at stake.
We are still planning on going in mid-April, but the longer the virus is a major news story and the more people grapple internally with should or should I not cancel, the more questions pop up or things for me to ponder.

1) I have seen interviews where some have said they would go on the trip, but do not want to be quarantined so maybe they should cancel.

What I do not understand is I go to Italy the US Govt decides everyone who is returning has to be quarantined for 14 Days - Who will pay for this quarantine period and Where would they put everybody?

2) I hope Andrew can sort this one out for me. So in attempt to get the best pricing for my airline tickets, I bought the tickets online from Lufthansa. The actual carriers is Swiss Air going - United coming back. Each three of these carriers have different policies regarding refunds, rescheduling, and fees.

If things get worst... Who do I call regarding rescheduling or cancelling my flights?
And what happens if Lufthansa and Swiss Air say we are flying and United cuts all flights in an out of Rome?
I read an article on question 1, but I don't remember the site (I've been reading so much about this stuff I've been to so many sites). If you are quarantined, it is the financial responsibility of the government body (US, don't know about other countries) requiring the quarantine. However, they will not compensate you for lost wages or any other incidental expenses you incur as a result of the quarantine.

As far as #2, I'm pretty sure you are subject to the policies of the airline you are actually flying on. You do bring up an interesting scenario/question if you are flying multiple airlines and one cancels while the other doesn't. Good luck with that! :D

EDIT: Searching for that site I found an article where a man and daughter were quarantined in California and reportedly he is responsible for medical expenses. So I don't know.
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What I do not understand is I go to Italy the US Govt decides everyone who is returning has to be quarantined for 14 Days - ... Where would they put everybody?

I believe that the request for quarantine means voluntary quarantine at home. Whether it can be enforced by law is another question.
Americans returning from China were quarantined at military bases: one story but dated Feb. 20; I don't know if that will still apply.

I'm invoked on the airline question, and I'm not quite sure: in some cases you're told to ask the airline that issued the ticket, and it can make a difference whether the airlines involved are in a joint venture or just partners.
I'm invoked on the airline question, and I'm not quite sure: in some cases you're told to ask the airline that issued the ticket, and it can make a difference whether the airlines involved are in a joint venture or just partners.
That's a good point. I can envision airlines finger pointing and having the customer run around in circles.
We went through Heathrow this morning and are on the plane now (8am flight heading to Israel). All seems normal. A few people wearing masks. I wiped our seat arms and trays with those kitchen wipes.

We’ve been washing our hands with soap more than usual. I brought our own soap since the soap in restrooms is too fragranced for us.

4.5 hour flight!
Well, Israel is now banning people from 5 European countries - France, Germany, Austria, Spain, Switzerland! And they considered adding the US to the list. Israelis returning from those countries have to self quarantine for 14 days. Why isn’t Italy on the list?

Times of Israel - https://www.timesofisrael.com/israe...rus-rules-adds-eu-nations-to-quarantine-list/

We are in Tel Aviv now. Our flight was not full but maybe 2/3 full. The airport was busy but not as crazy crowded as it is sometimes. 10 minutes wait at passport control. They announced as we landed that if you had been in {a list of Asian countries} in the last 14 days you were not allowed in and if you had a fever you had to report yourself.
Well, Israel is now banning people from 5 European countries - France, Germany, Austria, Spain, Switzerland! And they considered adding the US to the list. Israelis returning from those countries have to self quarantine for 14 days. Why isn’t Italy on the list?

Italy is already on the list, as well as China, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, South Korea, and Singapore.
The five additional European countries have been added today.

This means that an estimated 60,000 Israelis (the number of citizens that apparently have returned from these countries recently) are requested to go into voluntary quarantine in their homes for two weeks.
This means that an estimated 60,000 Israelis (the number of citizens that apparently have returned from these countries recently) are requested to go into voluntary quarantine in their homes for two weeks.

If they add the UK to that list we will be expected to self quarantine! On the other hand maybe the Old City in Jerusalem will be nicely not crowded.
Still being optimistic!

However, to be safe and informed, I decided to call Lufthansa regarding question 2 from my post above. With three different airlines in the game… “Who do I call regarding rescheduling or cancelling my flights?”

The Lufthansa agent (A HUMAN) picked up on the first ring! Colo was very happy!!

I explained the situation of buying my tickets online from Lufthansa, but flying on their partners Swiss Air and United for my trip. She reviewed my record… Drum roll please….

Sir, Lufthansa, and their partners, are still operating normally to Rome. Currently, there are no waivers for rescheduling or cancelling at this time to Rome. However, if the virus continues and it causes service to be stopped or suspended to Rome then you will contact Lufthansa and reschedule with no fees or you will be able to cancel and receive a full refund.

Colo was very very happy!! :):):)

Now we need the virus to stop spreading and allow people to get healthy.

My new mantra is: Say a Prayer for the Sick and then Go Wash Your Hands.

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